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Ceremonial Cacao | Connected Colombia

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The Arhuaco tribe of the Tairona people (also including the Kogi, Wiwa, and Kankuamo tribes) grows this cacao as sacred medicine in the spectacular Sierra Nevada mountains of Colombia, which rise from sea level to 18,700 feet in a mere 26 miles.

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Their non-dual spiritual beliefs guide them to see themselves as an integral part of Earth, rather than as separate: so caring for Earth is caring for all of existence. Living at the heart of the Earth, they maintain planetary balance and harmony by making ritual payments, or pagamento, to the Earth in gratitude for her services. Like silk wrapped around your heart, drink this cacao to strengthen your inner sense of connection.
The Arhuacos people grew cacao over six hundred years ago, prior to colonization of the Americas. When they lost their ancestral lands, over time their cacao traditions faded. With their territory recently recognized as a "living being" and receiving federal protection, they have regained access to their ancestral cacao growing territory, and their knowledge of cacao is coming back strong to be shared with us. This is some of the very first cacao they’ve grown.
Today, the Arhuacos farmers make 58% more income by processing their own cacao rather than selling to other buyers. For a community in which cacao is the main source of income for 9 out of 10 farmers, and where 73% of the people live below the Colombian poverty line, this increase in income makes a big difference in the quality of life for families and furthers the sustainability of this incredible culture.

  • Feels: Luxurious, Cozy, Nourishing
  • Useful For: Soothing and Harmonizing
  • Tastes Like: Coffee, Bark, Grass


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