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Rhododendron Essential Oil

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With a subtle yet complex aroma, Rhododendron essential oil helps settle the mind

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Product description

A general tonic to the system, rhododendron oil can be applied topically (synergistically blended with frankincense and German chamomile) to help reduce inflammation, or can be applied as a compress over the upper abdomen to support adrenal and liver function. In the nervous system, rhododendron's tonifying properties support relaxation and centering. Tibetan medicine has long used dried rhododendron in herbal teas to stoke the digestive fire, to treat heat-related headaches as well as sore throats and nausea, and to promote inner unity. Emotionally grounding and settling, it is known to quiet mental activity, which is a valuable tool in meditation practice.

Blends Well With: Lavender oil, davana oil, sweet orange oil; conifer oils such as cedar oil, spruce oil, pine oil and fir oil; also clary sage oil, ginger oil, neroli oil and petitgrain oil


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